Monday, April 30, 2007

An Open Letter

Mr. and Mrs. Sennett–

I wanted to share a piece of my soul with you in what must be the most trying time in your lives. I cannot begin to imagine the depth of your suffering. I cannot make this situation better......and I cannot take away your pain --if I could, I would have already done so. Saying I’m sorry for your loss will not suffice.

Your son was my friend, he picked me up when I was down, he made me feel special - I will deeply miss him and I will always love him.

Mike had a way about him, he made you a better person, he radiated energy and enthusiasm. You wanted to be around the guy because he touched your soul, he couldn’t help himself. He took that gift and passed it around – he made a difference in this life.

I was there with Mike through many of his trials and many of his victories in these past years. He had a profound love of God in his heart and the desire and courage to share it. Mike touched more lives and accomplished more good in his 37 years then I hope to in a lifetime.

It was a privilege to have known him and an honor to have called him ‘friend’.

Know that I have physically bent my knees and asked Jesus to give you His peace, true peace --the peace that surpasses all understanding. I will be at his wake, I will be at his funeral and I will not let this period in my life pass without, in some small way, saying thank you for your son and my dear friend, Mike.

May God Bless you,

Jeffrey Salamon
Notre Dame class of 90

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